not-for-profit organization

not-for-profit organization
An institution that undertakes an activity without a *profit-seeking motive. Examples of not-for-profit organizations include charities, government institutions, and educational establishments - they (and their donors) often enjoy exemption from some forms of *taxation. In not-for-profit organizations, *income in excess of expenses is often referred to as a *surplus rather than as a profit. Organizations of this type are not motivated primarily by profits - they aim to achieve their declared objectives while maximizing the *Three E’s of *economy, *efficiency and *effectiveness.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • not-for-profit organization — UK US noun [C] ► NONPROFIT(Cf. ↑nonprofit) noun: »This section deals with the tax exempt status of not for profit organizations. → Compare CHARITY(Cf. ↑charity) …   Financial and business terms

  • not for profit organization — non profit making organization An organization that provides goods or services with a policy that no individual or group will share in any profits or losses. Examples are government and charity organizations …   Accounting dictionary

  • not-for-profit — adjective a not for profit organization exists in order to help people and provide a service, rather than to make money: NON PROFIT …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Not For Profit — A not for profit organization is a type of organization that does not earn profits for its owners. All of the money earned by or donated to a not for profit organization is used in pursuing the organization s objectives. Typically not for profit… …   Investment dictionary

  • not-for-profit — An organization established for charitable, humanitarian, or educational purposes that is exempt from some taxes and in which no one in profits or losses. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * not for profit ˌnot for ˈprofit adjective [only before …   Financial and business terms

  • not-for-profit — UK / US adjective a not for profit organization exists in order to help people and provide a service, rather than to make money …   English dictionary

  • Not-for-profit arts organization — A not for profit arts organization is usually in the form of a not for profit corporation, association, or foundation. Such organizations are formed for the purpose of developing and promoting the work of artists in various visual and performing… …   Wikipedia

  • not-for-profit — adj. Not for profit is used with these nouns: ↑organization, ↑status, ↑trust …   Collocations dictionary

  • not-for-prof|it — «NOT fuhr PROF iht», adjective. U.S. not organized to make profit; nonprofit: »The New York Landmarks Conservancy [is] a not for profit organization that preserves and reuses buildings of architectural and/or historical significance (New Yorker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • not-for-profit — 1. adjective not meant to make a profit Syn: non profit, non profit making 2. noun A company or organization that is not meant to make a profit …   Wiktionary

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