payment in kind

payment in kind
The transfer of economic benefits in the form of goods and services, rather than in the form of *money. See also *barter.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • payment in kind — ► COMMERCE a way of paying for something using goods and services instead of money: »The company agreed that the loan should be settled by payment in kind. Main Entry: ↑payment …   Financial and business terms

  • payment in kind — phrase something that you give or receive instead of money Books were offered as payment in kind. Thesaurus: miscellaneous paymentssynonym words used to describe payments and funding sourceshyponym Main entry: payment …   Useful english dictionary

  • Payment in kind — refers to payment for goods or services with a medium other than legal tender (anything can be used as money, but legal tender is what the State accepts for all debts).Etymology“Kind” (or sometimes ) in this context is an archaic noun meaning… …   Wikipedia

  • payment-in-kind — (PIK) USA In the case of bank loans, a feature whereby the interest is added to the principal balance of the loan (referred to as capitalized) instead of being paid to the lender in cash (called cash pay interest). In the case of other securities …   Law dictionary

  • payment in kind — A payment that is not made in cash but in goods or services. It is often in the form of a discount or an allowance, e. g. cheap fares for British Airways employees, staff prices for food at supermarkets, etc. Now regarded as a bonus or fringe… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • payment in kind — something that you give or receive instead of money Books were offered as payment in kind …   English dictionary

  • Payment-In-Kind Bonds — A type of bond that pays interest in additional bonds rather than in cash. The bond issuer incurs additional debt to create the new bonds for the interest payments. Payment in kind bonds are considered a type of deferred coupon bond since there… …   Investment dictionary

  • Payment In Kind — payback of similar nature; payment in commodities (and not money), PIK …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Payment In-Kind - PIK — The use of a good or service as payment, instead of cash. Also known as paid in kind. A good example is a farmhand who is paid room and board for helping out on the farm instead of earning wages. Another example is the use of securities instead… …   Investment dictionary

  • Payment-In-Kind (PIK) bond — A bond that gives the issuer an option (during an initial period) either to make coupon payments in cash or in the form of additional bonds. The New York Times Financial Glossary …   Financial and business terms

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