Residual risk — The residual risk is the risk or danger of an action or an event, a method or a (technical) process that, although being abreast with science, still conceives these dangers, even if all theoretically possible safety measures would be applied… … Wikipedia
residual risk — noun The risk left over after safeguards (mitigation strategies) have been implemented … Wiktionary
Residual risk — Related: unsystematic risk … Financial and business terms
residual risk — Related: unsystematic risk … Financial and business terms
residual risk — See systematic risk … Big dictionary of business and management
Risk management — For non business risks, see risk, and the disambiguation page risk analysis Example of risk management: A NASA model showing areas at high risk from impact for the International Space Station. Risk management is the identification, assessment,… … Wikipedia
risk minimization — A *risk management technique that reduces the likelihood of occurrence of a *risk or reduces the potential impact of a *risk. If a risk has been managed to acceptable levels of *residual risk, the incremental costs of attempting *risk elimination … Auditor's dictionary
residual income — residual return The net income that a subsidiary undertaking or division of an organization generates after being charged a percentage return for the book value of the net assets or resources deemed to be under its control. The residual income… … Accounting dictionary
Residual-current device — A two pole residual current device A Residual Current Device is a generic term covering both RCCBs and RCBOs. A Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) is an electrical wiring device that disconnects a circuit whenever it detects that the… … Wikipedia
Residual Equity Theory — An accounting concept that says that common stockholders take the greatest risk when they buy into a company; therefore, they should have sufficient information about the company s financial standing and performance to make sound investment… … Investment dictionary