Scenario planning — [or scenario thinking or scenario analysis] is a strategic planning method that some organizations use to make flexible long term plans. It is in large part an adaptation and generalization of classic methods used by military intelligence.The… … Wikipedia
scenario planning — UK US noun [U] MANAGEMENT, GOVERNMENT, FINANCE ► the study of possible future events in society, an industry, the economy, etc., and how they might affect an organization, and the action of planning to prepare for them: »Scenario planning helps… … Financial and business terms
scenario planning — /sɪ nɑ:riəυ ˌplænɪŋ/ noun a planning technique in which the planners write down several different descriptions of what they think might happen in the future and how future events, good or bad, might affect their organisation (NOTE: Scenario… … Marketing dictionary in english
Scenario analysis — is a process of analyzing possible future events by considering alternative possible outcomes (scenarios). The analysis is designed to allow improved decision making by allowing more complete consideration of outcomes and their implications.For… … Wikipedia
Scenario (disambiguation) — Scenario may refer to: * Scenario, a brief description of an event * Screenplay, in movies * Scenario (computing), a typical interaction between the user and the system or between two software components * Scenario analysis, a process of… … Wikipedia
Scenario — A scenario (from Italian, that which is pinned to the scenery ) is a synthetic description of an event or series of actions and events. In the Commedia dell arte it was an outline of entrances, exits, and action describing the plot of a play that … Wikipedia
Planning poker — Le planning poker est une façon ludique et efficace de produire des estimations sur la complexité des fonctionnalités à développer. Cette pratique est surtout utilisée en Scrum et dans les méthodes agiles en général pour évaluer les scénarios… … Wikipédia en Français
Long range planning — Planning for the future has had a long history. The East India Company may not have promised to win the whole of the Indian subcontinent as a result of its efforts (though it ultimately did just that), but it certainly did understand it was… … Wikipedia
scenario — 01. My cousin has written a [scenario] for a movie, and it has just been sold to a major Hollywood producer. 02. During their training, police officers have to look at all kinds of [scenarios] and discuss what course of action to take in a given… … Grammatical examples in English
Workforce planning — Strategic Workforce Planning involves analyzing and forecasting the talent that companies need to execute their business strategy, proactively rather than reactively, it is a critical strategic activity, enabling the organization to identify,… … Wikipedia