Securities and Exchange Commission
- Securities and Exchange Commission
The U.S. federal agency responsible for overseeing and regulating security markets and corporate financial reporting. Established in 1934, following the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the SEC has quasi-judicial powers of enforcement that it uses in hundreds of civil cases every year. The SEC Web site states that its primary mission is "to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the securities markets" and that it "requires public companies to disclose meaningful financial and other information to the public, which provides a common pool of knowledge for all investors to use to judge for themselves if a company’s securities are a good investment." The SEC works closely with organizations like the U.S. stock exchanges and the *Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The SEC endorses the FASB’s accounting standards, although it has reserved the right to intervene in the FASB’s standards-setting procedure (Nobes and Parker, 2002,168-169). The SEC’s interpretations of FASB standards are contained in * Staff Accounting Bulletins, which are considered to be part of U.S. *Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
In 2002 the *Sarbanes-Oxley Act set important new criteria for securities regulation and *corporate governance, and the SEC was charged with introducing many aspects of the new reforms. This included the creation of the *Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
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Securities and Exchange Commission — n. A federal agency that oversees the sale and issuing of corporate stocks and bonds and corporate takeovers. abbrv. SEC The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. Securities and… … Law dictionary
Securities and exchange commission — Sceau de la Securities and Exchange Commission La Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) est l organisme fédéral américain de réglementation et de contrôle des marchés financiers. C est en quelque sorte le « gendarme de la B … Wikipédia en Français
Securities and Exchange Commission — ( SEC) The Federal agency with responsibility for regulating financial exchanges for cash instruments. American Banker Glossary ( SEC) A federal agency that regulates the US financial markets. The SEC also oversees the securities industry and… … Financial and business terms
Securities and Exchange Commission — [sɪ kjʊərətɪz ənd ɪks tʃeɪndʒ kə mɪʃn], Abkürzung SEC [esiː siː], unabhängige Bundesbehörde der USA (gegründet 1934, Sitz: Washington, D. C.), die die Bilanzen von amerikanischen Unternehmen überprüft, die beabsichtigen, ihre Wertpapiere an den … Universal-Lexikon
Securities and Exchange Commission — Pour les articles homonymes, voir SEC. Sceau de la Securities and Exchange Commission. La Securities and Exchange Commission ( … Wikipédia en Français
Securities and Exchange Commission — La Securities and Exchange Commission de los Estados Unidos (comúnmente conocida como la SEC)[1] es una agencia independiente del gobierno de Estados Unidos que tiene la responsabilidad principal de hacer cumplir las leyes federales de los… … Wikipedia Español
Securities and Exchange Commission — Emblem der SEC Die United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ist für die Kontrolle des Wertpapierhandels in den Vereinigten Staaten zuständig. Ihr Sitz ist in Washington D.C. Die SEC wurde als Reaktion auf den Börsenkrach von 1929 im … Deutsch Wikipedia
Securities and Exchange Commission (Nigeria) — Securities and Exchange Commission, Nigeria Formation 1979 Purpose/focus Regulate the capital market Official languages English … Wikipedia
Securities and Exchange Commission, Bangladesh — Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) is the regulator of the capital market of Bangladesh,comprising of Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange.BackgroundSEC was established on 8th June, 1993 under the Securities and Exchange… … Wikipedia
Securities and Exchange Commission (disambiguation) — Securities and Exchange Commission may refer to:* Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan * Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippines) * Securities and Exchange Commission (Poland) * United States Securities and Exchange Commission … Wikipedia
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan — The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) is an organization whose purpose is to develop a modern and efficient corporate sector and a capital market based on sound regulatory principles, in order to foster economic growth and… … Wikipedia