service level agreement

service level agreement
SLA An arrangement in an organization for the performance standards of a specific *service department. An SLA normally involves the use of metrics to monitor performance - for example, an information technology support department may include among its objectives the target of responding to requests for assistance within 24 hours.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • Service level agreement — Le Service Level Agreement (SLA) est un document qui définit la qualité de service requise entre un prestataire et un client. Le Service Level Agreement, que l’on pourrait traduire en français par Contrat de niveau de service est donc un contrat… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • service level agreement — UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION SLA) COMMERCE ► an agreement between a business providing a service and a customer, stating what is being provided, quality levels, etc.: »The center s service level agreement states that 80% of calls will be answered …   Financial and business terms

  • Service level agreement — A service level agreement (frequently abbreviated as SLA) is a part of a service contract where the level of service is formally defined. In practice, the term SLA is sometimes used to refer to the contracted delivery time (of the service) or… …   Wikipedia

  • Service Level Agreement — Der Begriff Service Level Agreement (SLA) oder Dienstgütevereinbarung (DGV) bezeichnet einen Vertrag resp. die Schnittstelle zwischen Auftraggeber und Dienstleister für wiederkehrende Dienstleistungen. Ziel ist es, die Kontrollmöglichkeiten für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Service-Level-Agreement — Der Begriff Service Level Agreement (SLA) oder Dienstgütevereinbarung (DGV) bezeichnet einen Vertrag bzw. die Schnittstelle zwischen Auftraggeber und Dienstleister für wiederkehrende Dienstleistungen. Ziel ist es, die Kontrollmöglichkeiten für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Service Level Agreement — Le Service Level Agreement (SLA) est un document qui définit la qualité de service requise entre un prestataire et un client. Le Service Level Agreement, que l’on pourrait traduire en français par accord de niveau de service ou contrat de niveau… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Service Level Agreement — Соглашение об уровне услуги (Service Level Agreement) это формальный договор между заказчиком (в методологии потребитель разные понятия) услуги и её поставщиком, содержащий описание услуги, права и обязанности сторон и, самое главное,… …   Википедия

  • Service Level Agreement —    Abbreviated SLA. An agreement between a user and a service provider that defines the terms and conditions of the service, as well as being a means for evaluating the service provided against the service specified.    See also Internet Service… …   Dictionary of networking

  • service level agreement — noun A contract between the provider of a service and a user of that service, specifying the level of service that will be provided …   Wiktionary

  • service level agreement — / sɜ:vɪs lev(ə)l əˌgri:mənt/ noun an agreement between a supplier and a customer which stipulates the level of services to be rendered. Abbr SLA …   Marketing dictionary in english

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