
*Waste, scrap, and defective goods arising from manufacturing processes. Spoilage is not necessarily without value, as the waste, *by-products, or defective *output of a *production process can sometimes be sold for *scrap value or reworked. A certain amount of spoilage is viewed as inevitable in most manufacturing processes, and is referred to as *normal spoilage. Normal spoilage tends to be considered an element of regular *production costs. In contrast, wastage above anticipated or inherent levels is known as *abnormal spoilage, and is usually expensed as incurred.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • spoilage — I noun blight, corrosion, corruption, decay, decomposition, decrement, deterioration, dilapidation, disintegration, dissolution, erosion, putrefaction, putrescence, rot, wastage, waste II index decrement, dissolution (disintegration) B …   Law dictionary

  • spoilage — [spoil′ij] n. 1. a spoiling or being spoiled 2. something spoiled or the amount spoiled …   English World dictionary

  • spoilage — rendering fish unfit for human consumption through the actions of bacteria, moulds, yeasts, etc. Odour, flavour, appearance and texture may be affected. Temperature affects spoilage rate. Fish with a natural low pH like tunas spoil more slowly… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • spoilage — /spoy lij/, n. 1. the act of spoiling or the state of being spoiled. 2. material or the amount of material that is spoiled or wasted: The spoilage in today s shipment is much too great. 3. the decay of foodstuffs due to the action of bacteria;… …   Universalium

  • spoilage — noun Date: 1597 1. the act or process of spoiling; especially the process of decay in foodstuffs 2. something spoiled or wasted 3. loss by spoilage …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • spoilage — noun a) The part of something that has spoiled. To prevent spoilage, store in a cool, dry place. b) The process of spoiling …   Wiktionary

  • spoilage — [[t]spɔ͟ɪlɪʤ[/t]] N UNCOUNT When spoilage occurs, something, usually food, decays or is harmed, so that it is no longer fit to be used. [TECHNICAL] …   English dictionary

  • spoilage — /ˈspɔɪlɪdʒ/ (say spoylij) noun 1. an act or instance of spoiling: spoilage of fruit on the way to market. 2. that which is spoiled …  

  • spoilage — spoil ► VERB (past and past part. spoilt (chiefly Brit. ) or spoiled) 1) diminish or destroy the value or quality of. 2) (of food) become unfit for eating. 3) harm the character of (a child) by being too indulgent. 4) treat with great or… …   English terms dictionary

  • spoilage — Synonyms and related words: biodegradability, biodegradation, breakup, caries, carrion, corrosion, corruption, decay, decomposition, degradability, degradation, dilapidation, disintegration, disorganization, dissolution, dry rot, foulness,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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