
A computer program that permits *quantitative analysis of *data. Spreadsheet data are arranged in a tabular format, with a grid of *cells that can contain numbers or mathematical formulae. Auditors and accountants often use spreadsheets to analyze accounting and other information, owing to their ease and flexibility of use. Spreadsheets are also commonly used in *what-if analysis: To support decision-making, the formulae in individual spreadsheet cells can be altered to analyze alternative outcomes.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • Spreadsheet — Spreadsheet …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Spreadsheet —   [dt. Arbeitsblatt] (Tabellenblatt), das Dokument oder der Teil eines Dokuments eines Tabellenkalkulationsprogramms, in den ein Anwender Daten eingibt; manchmal auch als Synonym für »Tabellenkalkulation« verwendet.   Ein Tabellenblatt ist aus… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • spreadsheet — (izg. sprȅdšīt) m DEFINICIJA inform. 1. kompjuterski program; omogućava definiranje i ostvarenje niza relacija između različitih polja u pravokutnoj tablici 2. program za tablične izračune; tablični kalkulator ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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