chain of command

chain of command
A term derived from military planning to denote the flow of *authority and *accountability within an activity or organization. In a chain of command, an individual takes orders from another individual at the next hierarchical level - for example, A commands B, who in turn commands C, who in turn commands D, and so on. Within a chain of command environment, departures from established *policies and *procedures are usually met with *sanctions (definition 2). Most organizations exhibit chain of command features that offer the advantages of discipline and clarity of purpose. However, chain of command arrangements can be inflexible, and *management theory in recent years has advocated increasing *empowerment of individuals throughout all levels of an organization.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • chain of command — chain of com mand n a system in an organization by which decisions are made and passed from people at the top of the organization to people lower down ▪ Symonds is third in the chain of command …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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