diminishing returns

diminishing returns
1. The notion that the incremental satisfaction derived from the consumption of a good or the use of a service decreases with each additional unit. For example, a smoker may derive a great deal of satisfaction, or *utility from the first cigarette of the day. The amount of satisfaction obtained from subsequent cigarettes decreases progressively. 2. The theory that the use of an incremental unit of one *factor of production, with all the other factors held constant, will result in a reduced level of incremental output.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • diminishing returns — diˌminishing reˈturns noun [plural] ECONOMICS 1. the idea that a point can be reached where the advantage or profit you are getting stops increasing in relation to the effort you are making: • By the mid 1990s, cost cutting and restructuring were …   Financial and business terms

  • diminishing returns — [də min′ish iŋ] n. Econ. the proportionately smaller increase in productivity observed after a certain point in the increase of capital, labor, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Diminishing returns — Economics …   Wikipedia

  • diminishing returns — I. noun plural : a rate of yield that at a certain point fails to increase in proportion to additional investments of labor or capital see law of diminishing returns II. noun plural : benefits that beyond a certain point fail to increase in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • diminishing returns — 1. any rate of profit, production, benefits, etc., that beyond a certain point fails to increase proportionately with added investment, effort, or skill. 2. Also called law of diminishing returns. Econ. the fact, often stated as a law or… …   Universalium

  • diminishing returns — N UNCOUNT In economics, diminishing returns is a situation in which the increase in production, profits, or benefits resulting from something is less than the money or energy that is invested …   English dictionary

  • diminishing returns — /dəˌmɪnɪʃɪŋ rəˈtɜnz / (say duh.minishing ruh ternz) plural noun 1. the decreasing profit, output, gain, etc., that beyond a certain point is the inevitable result, despite the continued effort, resources, etc., put in. 2. Economics See law of… …  

  • diminishing returns — ► (the law of) diminishing returns the principle that as expenditure or investment increases each further increase produces a proportionately smaller return. Main Entry: ↑diminish …   English terms dictionary

  • diminishing returns — dimin′ishing returns′ n. bus any rate of profit, production, benefits, etc., that beyond a certain point fails to increase proportionately with added investment, effort, or skill • Etymology: 1805–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • diminishing returns — noun plural Date: 1815 1. a rate of yield that beyond a certain point fails to increase in proportion to additional investments of labor or capital 2. benefits that beyond a certain point fail to increase in proportion to extended efforts …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • diminishing returns — principle that (after a certain point) increasing only one factor of production while others remain the same will eventually result in lower output …   English contemporary dictionary

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