golden share

golden share
An investment held by a government in a *privatized organization that confers special rights. Governments choose to retain golden shares in denationalized corporations in order to keep a degree of strategic control over key decisions. For example, a golden share may give a government the right to block a *takeover bid or to regulate the *prices of services supplied by public utilities.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • Golden Share — La Golden Share ( action spécifique ) permet à celui qui la détient de conserver un droit de veto sur l ensemble du capital d une société dans certaines circonstances spécifiques. Elles sont souvent détenues par un État dans le cas d une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • golden share — ➔ Share * * *    A share that confers sufficient voting rights in a company to maintain control and protect it from takeover. The golden share prevents potential predators from buying shares and then using them to outvote the company s existing… …   Financial and business terms

  • golden share — noun A large share in a company, etc held by an institution or (often) a government, which prevents takeover by another company • • • Main Entry: ↑golden * * * golden share UK US noun [countable] [singular golden share …   Useful english dictionary

  • golden share — A single special rights redeemable preference share (preference shares) in a company held by a government minister, whose consent is required for, among other things, material disposals, share issues or a voluntary winding up. Related links… …   Law dictionary

  • Golden Share — A Golden Share is a nominal share which is able to outvote all other shares in certain specified circumstances, often held by a government organization, in a government company undergoing the process of privatization and transformation into a… …   Wikipedia

  • Golden share — La golden share (« action spécifique ») permet à celui qui la détient de conserver un droit de veto sur l ensemble du capital d une société dans certaines circonstances spécifiques. Elles sont souvent détenues par un État dans le cas d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Golden Share — A type of share that gives its shareholder veto power over changes to the company s charter. A golden share holds special voting rights, giving its holder the ability to block another shareholder from taking more than a ratio of ordinary shares.… …   Investment dictionary

  • golden share — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms golden share : singular golden share plural golden shares business British a share that is owned by the government in a private company which allows the government to control what the company does after it has… …   English dictionary

  • Golden Share — Inhaber so genannter „Goldener Aktien“ (engl. golden shares ) verfügen in einem Unternehmen über Rechte, die über die der übrigen Aktionäre weit hinausreichen. Im Normalfall stehen jene Befugnisse die zumeist bei der Privatisierung großer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • golden share —   La golden share o azione d oro è un pacchetto azionario posseduto dal governo che permette di intervenire nelle decisioni più importanti di una società privatizzata garantendo al possessore poteri speciali, indipendenti dal numero di azioni in… …   Glossario di economia e finanza

  • golden share — A share in a company that controls at least 51% of the voting rights. A golden share has been retained by the UK government in some privatization issues to ensure that the company does not fall into foreign or other unacceptable hands …   Accounting dictionary

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