
1. In an *acquisition, the excess of the Consideration paid by an acquiring company over the *fair value of acquired *net assets. Contrast *negative goodwill. 2. The value of an organization’s reputation and *brands that allow it to generate *income. 3. A favorable or friendly disposition toward an individual or organization.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • goodwill — good·will / gu̇d ˌwil/ n 1: an intangible asset that is made up of the favor or prestige which a business has acquired beyond the mere value of what it sells due to the personality or experience of those conducting it, their reputation for skill… …   Law dictionary

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  • Goodwill — 1) добрая воля 2) доброжелательность 3) ценность фирмы, определяющаяся ее клиентурой 4) престиж фирмы 5) передача прав на фирму и ее деловые связи (при продаже торгового предприятия) Словарь бизнес терминов. Академик.ру. 2001 …   Словарь бизнес-терминов

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  • goodwill — [good′wil′] n. 1. a friendly or kindly attitude; benevolence 2. cheerful consent; willingness 3. Accounting an intangible asset which takes into account the value added to a business firm as a result of patronage, reputation, etc.: Also good will …   English World dictionary

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