
Laws promulgated by a governmental body, in the form of decrees or *statutes. Legislation is sometimes defined as the making of law, but this is an unsatisfactory definition for some legal theorists, who maintain that law can only be discovered, not "made." In English-speaking countries, legislation is often contrasted with *common law. The latter more clearly demonstrates the "discovery" of law on the basis of the accumulated experience of case law.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • législation — [ leʒislasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1361, rare av. 1721; bas lat. legislatio 1 ♦ Vx Droit, pouvoir de faire les lois. « le droit de législation » (Rousseau). 2 ♦ Ensemble des normes juridiques dans un pays ou dans un domaine déterminé. ⇒ 3. droit, 1. loi. La …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • legislation — le‧gis‧la‧tion [ˌledʒˈsleɪʆn] noun [uncountable] LAW 1. a law or set of laws: • Under the new legislation, employers will be required to offer up to 12 weeks of paid sick leave per year. • He introduced legislation to increase the minimum wage …   Financial and business terms

  • legislation — leg·is·la·tion /ˌle jəs lā shən/ n 1: the making or giving of laws; specif: the exercise of the power and function of making rules that have the force of authority by virtue of their promulgation by an official organ of the state 2: the… …   Law dictionary

  • Legislation — (or statutory law ) is law which has been promulgated (or enacted ) by a legislature or other governing body. The term may refer to a single law, or the collective body of enacted law, while statute is also used to refer to a single law. Before… …   Wikipedia

  • Legislation — Leg is*la tion ( l[=a] sh[u^]n), n. [Cf. F. l[ e]gislation, L. legis latio. See {Legislator}.] The act of legislating; preparation and enactment of laws; the laws enacted. [1913 Webster] Pythagoras joined legislation to his philosophy. Lyttelton …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • legislation — 1650s, from Fr. législation, from L.L. legislationem (nom. legislatio), properly two words, legis latio, proposing (lit. bearing ) of a law; see LEGISLATOR (Cf. legislator) …   Etymology dictionary

  • legislation — legislation, legislature Both words date from the 17c. Legislation is the process of making laws, and the legislature is the body (or group of bodies) that makes them …   Modern English usage

  • Legislation — (lat.), Gesetzgebung; legislatīv, gesetzgebend; Legislative, Gesetzgebende Versammlung, Gesetzgebende Gewalt; Legislātor, Gesetzgeber; legislatōrisch, gesetzgeberisch, zur Gesetzgebung gehörig; Legislatūr, Gesetzgebung, auch Gesetzgebende… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Legislation — Legislation, Legislatur, lat. dtsch., Gesetzgebung; Legislator, Gesetzgeber …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • legislation — [n] law of a government act, bill, charter, codification, constitution, enactment, lawmaking, measure, prescription, regulation, ruling, statute; concept 318 …   New thesaurus

  • legislation — ► NOUN ▪ laws collectively. ORIGIN Latin, proposing of a law , from lex law …   English terms dictionary

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