- limited audit
- An audit with restricted scope. Agreed limitations on audit work may be determined in reference to (i) specific time periods, (ii) specific activities, or (iii) high *materiality thresholds.
Auditor's dictionary. 2014.
Auditor's dictionary. 2014.
limited audit — noun an audit of limited scope (limited in time span or confined to particular accounts etc.) • Hypernyms: ↑audited account, ↑audit … Useful english dictionary
audit — au·dit / ȯ dət/ n 1: a formal examination of an organization s or an individual s financial records often for the purpose of uncovering fraud or inaccurate tax returns; also: the final report of such an examination 2: a methodical examination… … Law dictionary
Audit working papers — are the documents which keeping all audit evidences obtained during financial statements auditing. Audit working paper is to be able to support the audit works done in order, sufficient and assurance audit evidences have been obtained and… … Wikipedia
Limited Company — Aktie der Barnum Bailey Limited Limited Company (deutsch: limited: beschränkt, hier: haftungsbeschränkt; company: Firma) wird im britischen Gesellschaftsrecht die nicht börsennotierte Aktiengesellschaft genannt. Die Limited Company ist in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
audit society — A term coined by *Michael Power to denote allegedly pervasive and negative influences of auditing practices in modern life. Power has elaborated the concept in, among other writings, The Audit Society: Rituals of Verification (1997), and has… … Auditor's dictionary
limited liability partnership — A legally recognized entity under the Limited Liability Partnership Act (2000). This type of business organization is intended to combine the flexibility of a traditional partnership with the corporate notion of limited liability. Persons… … Accounting dictionary
audit — An independent examination of, and the subsequent expression of opinion on, the financial statements of an organization. This involves the auditor in collecting evidence by means of compliance tests (tests of control) and substantive tests (tests … Accounting dictionary
audit — An independent examination of, and the subsequent expression of opinion on, the financial statements of an organization. This involves the auditor in collecting evidence by means of compliance tests (tests of control) and substantive tests (tests … Big dictionary of business and management
audit — An examination by a trained accountant of the financial records of a person or business, including notation of improper or careless practices, recommendations for improvements in keeping proper records, and a balancing of the books. An… … Business law dictionary
limited liability partnership — A legally recognized entity under the Limited Liability Partnership Act (2000). This type of business organization is intended to combine the flexibility of a traditional partnership with the corporate notion of limited liability. Persons… … Big dictionary of business and management