memorandum account

memorandum account
A record of transactions for an *asset, liability, or area of *revenue or *expenditure that is kept separate from a system of *double entry bookkeeping. Memorandum accounts serve as reference sources for, among other things, *obsolete fixed assets and old inventory with no monetary value. They are not included in *financial statements, and are normally maintained only for information or perhaps operational purposes. However, *Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in some countries (e.g., in Italy) have traditionally required *disclosure in financial statements of some memorandum accounts.

Auditor's dictionary. 2014.

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  • credit memorandum — A document used by a seller to inform a buyer that the buyer s account receivable is being credited (reduced) because of errors, returns, or allowances …   Black's law dictionary

  • credit memorandum — A document used by a seller to inform a buyer that the buyer s account receivable is being credited (reduced) because of errors, returns, or allowances …   Black's law dictionary

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